Friday, June 27, 2008

July Events!

July is going to be busy around here!

First, we are having a Stitch N Pitch! On Wednesday, July 2 (yes, next week) at 7 pm, we'll be meeting at Slugger Field to watch the Bats, drink beer, eat junk food, and knit! It's Ladies Night, so tickets are $3.50 at the door. (And if you aren't a lady, don't worry. We'll subsidize your ticket price so you only have to pay $3.50.) Just ask to sit in section 124 with the Stitch N Pitch group. And then, stop by the Knit Nook during the next week with your ticket stub, and you'll get 10% off of a purchase! (This offer ends Wednesday, July 9 and for only one purchase.)

And then there's the SALE! Our third annual Summer Sale is Saturday, July 12. EVERYTHING in the store will be 15% - 75% off. Seriously, there are going to be some deals to be had! We'll be opening at 10 am for the sale, so come early! (And because we anticipate chaos, we won't be having our Beginning Classes that day.)

By the sale, I should have the fall and winter class schedule all set, so expect a copy in your inbox, or stop by the shop to get a hard copy. If you can't wait until September to take a class, check out the current schedule here.


Balls of Yarn said...

the Stitch N Pitch was a bitchin' good time. whoops! that's the Bud Light talking.

Waldorf Garage Door Repairs said...

Great rread thanks