Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Good, The Bad, and The Doggie

First the good news: both Jan and Laura have completely rocked the entrelac!

On the left, Laura has finished the Knit Nook Entrelac Hat (the class starts Sunday, September 30); on the right, Jan finished her second felted entrelac bag (for Christmas in July) and immediately started on her third! Jan, you're gonna be a popular lady this Christmas!

Now, the bad:

Trying desperately to satisfy a request for her son Joey, Margie has been knitting the Flame Sock for months. Out of Cascade Fixation. If you have ever tried color work with an elastic yarn, it isn't fun. And if you've ever tried knitting something black on tiny needles, it isn't fun. And thirdly, if you've tried knitting a knee sock for someone who is over six feet tall and wears a size 12, it isn't fun. Just look at Margie's face. Knitting this sock hasn't been that much fun. But she finished it. And when Joey tried it on, it doesn't fit around his calf. If you have any suggestions for Margie, please let us know!

And now, the doggie! Jan brought her dog Livi to the shop. She's a Portuguese Water Dog and a total sweetheart. Jan just got a new puppy (also a Portuguese Water Dog) and Livi just begged for an afternoon without him.

I only wish I could bring my dog to the shop and he would behave like this. Just look at him (sorry, the subject of dogs calls for a gratuitous pic of mine). He's a three-legged terrier. When he's not begging anybody to scratch him on his legless side (since he can't reach it himself), he's chewing things up because he assumes that if it used to be a plant or an animal, it must still be food. Needless to say, he's absolutely adorable and spoiled rotten.


Wolfgang said...

I think our brain is wired the same when it comes to knitting/blogging. So strange.

Ally said...

What a cute doggie! Have you been to It's a great site and Lulu is such a cute tripod too!

Anonymous said...

Suggestions for Margie: Cry. And make friends with a small legged person who wants flame socks.